What is the best type of face mask to buy online? That’s a good question. Sifting through the tons of often conflicting information online can be confusing. Compounding the issue is that there are many options to consider when buying a mask. Do I buy an N95? A surgical mask? A neck gaiter? A Bandana with a Paperclip? It can all be a bit overwhelming!
Recently, many of us have endured a change in our routines, such that we are working from home all the time (...and no longer just the occasional Friday). There are some psychological ramifications of this, of which we should all be aware.
Despite the huge allure of binge watching all of my favorite shows, my lovely wife, Paige, has (gently) reminded me of the need to exercise, at least a little bit, during the pandemic.
And as it turns out, you can really get a great workout, even though the gyms are closed...